Parvey Cavenago Personal Injury Attorneys

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In Case Of A Slip & Fall

Parvey Cavenago Personal Injury Attorneys

A visit to your local supermarket can instantly turn into a nightmare when you experience a slip and fall accident. While walking toward the exit, hands full of grocery bags, you end up fracturing your hip after slipping on the wet floor, and have to be rushed to the hospital. This could have been avoided if an employee hadn’t failed to put out a “caution” wet sign after mopping the floor by the exit door.
Private, public and commercial property owners are required, by law, to maintain reasonably safe conditions on their premises. If a property owner caused, was aware of, or should have been aware of a dangerous concern, that owner is required to appropriately warn the public and remedy the situation. Oftentimes, Property owners are reluctant to provide an injured visitor with the compensation he or she deserves, and do not fairly deal with patrons that have been injured due to a hazardous condition on the property. In essence, to prove that the property owner was at fault, expert testimony is needed.
Under a Slip and Fall accident, there are claims that require experts whom understand the different aspects of the case, including the property condition standards and how they can maintain a safe environment for their customers. An expert would look at floor maintenance procedures to see if they were properly followed. Finally, we would assess surveillance video, if available, and talk to witnesses to see if there are any other details to assist in the claim.
A good Slip and Fall Lawyer will use various experts to establish the cause of a fall down injury. If you are injured due to a Slip and Fall incident and believe it was not your fault, it is important to seek the advice of a qualified attorney as soon as possible to protect your interests. When you or a loved one suffers a serious injury or wrongful death due to a fall down incident, it can be extremely stressful going up against an insurance company on your own.
Remember, you don’t have to go through a Slip and Fall accident on your own. Seek the compensation your rightfully deserve due to a negligence occurred on another party’s part.

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