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Tips for Handling a Hit & Run

When you are the victim of a hit and run accident, you likely feel angry and confused, and it can be unclear how to get compensation for your damages and injuries. However, there are steps you can take to create a smoother experience, should you be in this unfortunate situation.
Examples of hit and run accidents include when a car hits you and speeds off, or a driver hits your unattended parked car and leaves no contact information or way of collecting damages.

What Do You Do After a Hit and Run Accident?
While you’ll likely be feeling immense stress if you’re a victim of a hit and run, it will help to stay as calm as possible and gather as much information as you can.
Having more information will increase the chances that the police will catch the driver who hit you and it helps your car insurance company make decisions about your claim. Also, it also helps to look around for any possible witnesses to the accident, and ask for their names and contact information.
Before leaving the scene, make sure to write down the time and location of the accident, take pictures of the accident scene and any damages on your car. This will help you prove that you are not attempting to defraud your insurance company.

When someone hits you and drives off, you may feel compelled to chase him in your car. However, this can cause you to drive recklessly and get into another accident, or to be the victim of retaliation from the other driver. A better idea is to call the police as soon as possible and file an accident report that includes the names of any witnesses and other important details. Even if the police do not find the driver who hit you, having a police report on file can hasten the auto claims process and give you an official document to rely upon later.

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