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Jet Ski Safety

Jet skis are designed for fun in the sun and on the waves and allow you the freedom to explore places that boats can’t reach, but sometimes they can cause fatal injuries to their passengers if operated improperly. Excessive speeds, recklessness and alcohol consumption are all common causes of jet ski accidents and can cause serious injury to the operator and others.


The most common types of accidents involve underage and under-trained operators. Inexperienced operators cause 95 percent of jet ski collisions and accidents. Drowning, serious head injuries, broken bones and death are possible consequences of improper jet ski operation.


Safety comes first when learning about a jet ski. So, before you jump on and ride away, here are some tips to help you and your loved ones have a safer time using jet skis out on the water:

  • Read the manual. Make sure you understand particular controls and features
  • Take a lesson on jet ski operation
  • Wear an FDA approved life jacket for safety and eye protection to block spraying water from effecting your vision
  • Attach a whistle to your life jacket in case you need to alert others
  • In case you fall off and need to cut the engine, always operate with a safety lanyard
  • Operate only when light; between sunrise and sunset
  • Allow space between you and swim zones, other boaters, wildlife, anglers and canoers

*A boating safety certificate is required for anyone to operate a jet ski under the age of 16, or they must be accompanied by an adult.


If you or a loved one has been injured in a jet ski accident by the negligence or recklessness of someone else, make a FREE appointment today with one of our jet ski attorneys at Parvey & Cavenago of Southwest Florida to discuss your plans for recovery and compensation.


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