Parvey Cavenago Personal Injury Attorneys

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Negligent Security of a Premises Liability

A business owners’ legal duty is to provide a safe premises for their patrons, renters and guests at all times in order to protect them from harm caused by the intentional criminal acts of third parties, when those criminal acts are accountable. Criminal acts are measurable when their occurrence can reasonably be expected under the circumstances. When property or business owners fail to provide sufficient security measures, residents and guests are put at risk for criminal attack. Poor security has too often resulted in the rape, injury or wrongful death of innocent victims.

Types of proactive measures taken to prevent criminal attacks and wrongful death include hiring security guards, installing sufficient lighting, installing security video cameras or “dummy” cameras and providing sturdy locks and alarms on doors and windows. The efficiency of security measures employed may vary depending upon the location and type of business being operated.

Negligent security cases often involve violent criminal attacks such as rape, shooting, stabbing and murder. Many of these cases have been successfully prosecuted by negligent security lawyers against owners and operators of businesses, including, gas stations, shopping centers, banks, bars, hotels, restaurants, etc.

Parvey & Cavenago lawyers can help to hold property owners and business establishments accountable when guests or patrons become victims of violent criminal attacks on their premises, and will work with law enforcement, private investigators and security experts to maximize the compensation recovered for our clients.

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