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Nursing Home Falls

You’ve taken a tour of the senior facility, met the staff and seen the safety features, and it all looks nice, but why can’t you shake the bad feeling of your elderly family member living in a nursing home?


Nursing homes are not all bad, but your gut tells you not to trust putting your loved one in the care of strangers for good reasons:

  • According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nursing home accidents and falls are frequently unreported.
  • There will be roughly 3 million nursing home patients by 2030 living in facilities. Today, most nursing homes are overpopulated and understaffed, so as time goes by your elderly loved one is less likely to receive the individual, proper care and monitoring they need.


Elderly falls are common in nursing homes and can sometimes be fatal. Many times, nursing home lawsuits involve the facilities failure to supply a safe environment for their patient. 36% of nursing home patient injuries from falls are preventable. If your family member or loved one has sustained an injury from a fall at a nursing home, you may be able to receive injury compensation through a nursing home malpractice lawsuit if the facility failed to supply a safe environment for their patient.


Nursing homes are required by law to have safety features for their residents. Research shows that nursing home falls are preventable with proper fall prevention programs in place for individual patients. Here are some common safety precautions:

  • Handles on walls in the bathroom and no slip-floors
  • Beds, chairs and mobility devices must be easily accessible and maintained
  • *If your or your loved one is a new patient at a nursing facility, make sure the nursing home does a full assessment for falling risks and potential modifications to decrease possible risks and enable safer mobility for your loved one

Contact Parvey & Cavenago today if you or a loved one has been injured through the negligence of a nursing facility and staff. You have a right to a peaceful recovery, see us for your free consultation and we’ll make a plan for your compensation.

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