Parvey Cavenago Personal Injury Attorneys

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What is “Bad Faith?”

Car accidents are instantly traumatic for both the victim and the person responsible, but the aftermath of injuries and damages can be even more grisly. With an injured neck and a damaged car, you exchange numbers with the other driver and agree to get your insurance companies involved. Now this is the part where all those regular payments you’ve made on your policy are supposed to “pay off,” meaning that your insurance company should work with you to alleviate your new financial burdens as much as they can according to the terms of your policy. That is what is SUPPOSED to happen but we all know that things don’t always work out they way they were supposed to. When an insurance company fails to provide you with adequate assistance after you file a claim, this hypothetical accident becomes an example of the insurance company breaking the law due to “bad faith practices.”


Examples of bad faith practices of insurance companies can include, and are not limited to:

  • The company cancelling the policy after you make a claim
  • Denying your claim if you can’t provide an unreasonable amount of documentation or unrelated items to the case
  • Improper, illegal or unethical investigating techniques
  • Lack of communicating in a timely manner or failing to respond to you
  • Unjustified delaying of your claim
  • Unreasonably low offers to your settlement

If you or a loved one was injured in an accident, and suspect your insurance company is acting in bad faith, instead of treating you fairly in good faith, make a free appointment today with one of our attorneys at Parvey & Cavenago of Southwest Florida to discuss your plans for recovery and reimbursement.

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